Educating The Next Generation of Athletes

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Product Card Shawn Pitcher MS, RD, LD

Educating The Next Generation of Athletes

Shawn Pitcher, MS, RD, LD

Description:  In this presentation I will provide tools and behavior change techniques to help your athlete learn the information, develop a routine, & apply it to maximize their performance potential and aid in Injury/illness reduction.

What you will learn in this course:

  • Demonstrate techniques to improve behavior change.
  • Formulate an education model for their athletes.
  • Analyze and apply information to improve athlete performance.
  • Recognize concepts and terms to implement into their program education.

1 Credit Hour as Approved by Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR)

1 Credit Hour as Approved by the Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers (BOC)

Total due $19.99

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