Strategies to Enhance a High School Sports Performance Program 1.0

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NSCA CEU Card for 24-26

Strategies to Enhance a High School Sports Performance Program 1.0

Strategies to Enhance a High School Sports Performance Program
Learn some foundational knowledge on how to enhance your High School sports performance program. Learn some trade secrets and best practices from some of the top experts in sports science.

NSCA certified individuals completing this course are eligible to receive 0.7 CEU(s) in Category C.

Tim Kettenring CSCS, CHPC L1, USATF, USAW
Title: Rethinking Conditioning: The Aerobic Advantage
Description: Fundamentals of aerobic metabolism and how aerobic conditioning enhances speed and power training. In addition we will discuss how to implement aerobic conditioning protocols with team sports and provide practical solutions on how to work within various constraints in order to produce.

Matt Bruce, MS, USAW
Title: The Holistic and Teaching of Olympic Weightlifting for High School Sports
Description: The speaker will present on how to periodize the Olympic Lifts (Snatch, Clean and Jerk) into your program to develop explosive strength in all athletes. Developing the fundamental progressions for each of these lifts will also be a focus of this presentation.

Mark Wine, CSCS, BA
Title: Building a Strength and Conditioning Program for High School Football

Description:  Developing the best strategies on how to outline an 11 month Strength & Conditioning program geared towards a High School football team is the focus of this presentation. The measurable principles within the program can be applied to any high school athletic team. Within the presentation the speaker will cover the various phases of training throughout the year while providing examples utilized during each phase. Mentality and culture is another key component of any training program. The speaker provides various insights on ways to build culture, discipline and commitment into your program.

Bryce Patterson, MS, CSCS, FRC
Title: A Pragmatic Approach to Individualized Physical Development in High School Athletes

Description: Hyper individualization has become a central theme of best practices in injury prevention and rehabilitation efforts. While most of the industry recognizes the value of individualized care, the application in high school athletics only seems feasible for the top 0.5% of programs with ample supporting staff or financial support. This presentation will discuss how data from force plates can help drive individualized care in a pragmatic and scalable way, while reducing the time and burden on overworked and understaffed sports medicine and performance teams.

Ryan Glatt, MS, CPT, NBC-HWC 
Title: Athletic Neuroscience: Reactive Agility in Sport 
Description: Agility in athletic performance is an important skill to be tested and developed among athletes. Research on sport neuroscience continues to evolve, yet the applications to real-world training strategies is limited. This presentation will review the current research and principles of reactive agility training and discuss guidelines for implementing these findings into practice, including the use of technology.

Total due $49.99

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